The biggest shock to me was the HUGE tourist attraction that Twilight has brought to Forks. We stayed at the Three Rivers Resort, which normally caters to fishermen. I overheard the clerk at the desk telling a "regular" fishing guy that he nows has to make a reservation...because of all of the teenage visitors. We saw hundreds of teens and their parents everywhere we went. It was cool.
We started our trip on a ferry ride to I am throwing in a picture from the boat of the Seattle skyline. I have been on dozens of these trips and I still LOVE this view.
Just as we rolled into a town a huge rainstorm came in. Sorry my picture is a little blurry.
Here are some pictures we took around Forks of the local "Celebrity" locations.
The Cullen House (they wouldn't let me sneak into Edward's window.)
Jacob's House
Bella's House
Forks High School
We also took a little trip to the Hoh Rain Forest about 30 miles outside Forks. The area receives 12 - 16 feet of rain every year, plus an extra 30 inches of rain just from the clouds/fog dripping on the trees. Everything was so green. (It was so sunny when we visited...go figure.) The pictures of Tommy and the boys is in front of the World's largest spruce tree.
Going to Forks was an awesome trip. Other than the throw-up, diarreha and no sleeping (thanks boys) it was perfect. If anyone wants to make the trek, let me know, I am up for another visit!