Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas at the Space Needle

We took the boys to see Santa at the Space Needle. It was a beautiful, cold day. The boys got to make a chocolate cookie, which they promptly ate without sharing. I will try to scan their Santa picture and add it later. I will really proud that they took the picture even though they were afraid! And following the footsteps of their cousin Cooper, all they want for Christmas is a candy cane. Looks like we got off easy this year!

Big Boy Beds

My baby boys are growing up. Their long legs had just about outgrown their we got them big boy beds. However, we couldn't do plain old boring beds. Tommy bought the boys slide beds. They love them...and the boys have done a pretty good job sleeping in their beds at night.

I only cried a little bit to see my boys move out of their cribs. Only a few more years til they leave for college.