Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another use for duct tape

Having two little boys is a lot of fun...but there are definitely moments when it is not so fun. We had just one such moment on Sunday. We put the boys down for a nap before church. They weren't quite tired enough, because they sat up talking to each other for over an hour. I was working on my lesson for church and I heard Mason saying "owee". So I decided to investigate.

Mason and Justin had both gotten their diapers unfastened...through their onesies. (We have to nap with onesies or else we have two naked boys who pee on everything!) That was pretty bad.

However, it gets worse. Both boys had pooped. It was gross dark poop which I would have sworn was mud, except I knew they had no access to mud.

However, it gets worse. Mason, aka "Baby Houdini" had magically pulled his diaper out the side of his onesie...with the onesie still on. This allowed him to throw, smear and smash his poo all over his crib.

This is the second time I have had the opportunity to clean smeared poo out of a crib. This, will be my last. My friend Tina recommended we try duct tape. Here are the pics. (There are some funny ones with their cowboy boots we couldn't resist posting. We are rednecks.)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Growing Boys

Here are some fun pictures from our summer.

Everyday when Tommy gets home from work the boys get to have a popsicle treat. They make a mess, but they really love it!

We are trying to get the boys to like their harnesses. They however, under no circumstances, want any adult leading them around. If you try to "direct them" they lay down on the ground and cry. However, they seem to like to lead each other around. Maybe someday they will be ready for mom to help them.

Since Tommy and all of the boy's uncles like to climb trees so much, we thought we would let the boys have a try. Tommy carefully placed them in our Madrona tree. They did pretty well, but the sun was in their eyes. I am afraid I am in for a lot of scares from boys climbing trees.

The boys love to play with rocks and balls. They are also very fond of frisbees. They have recently gotten ahold of a roll of painters tape, which they have converted into a frisbee. There is really nothing better than throwing all of these objects. The boys even have the sound effects down.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Ok, I can't believe I did this....but I did. I went to the Breaking Dawn book party at Barnes & Noble on Friday night. I wanted to hang out with Felicia (my nanny & friend, fresh home from college) so I suggested we run over there. I really had no intentions of waiting around until midnight to buy a book I wasn't going to start reading right away.

But...I did hang around a bookstore with a bunch of silly teenagers...and I got my copy right about 12:15 AM. I guess I am now officially a Stephanie Meyer junky. (What am I going to do for a fix now?)

Once I got home I vowed to not start reading it, since I knew the boys would be up bright and early. However, I got them down for an early nap yesterday and started to read. Then, once I got them to bed, I read a little more. I only had like 300 pages left this morning & fortunately Tommy didn't feel good and the boys took a stellar 3 hour nap.

So, I have officially read my copy of Breaking Dawn. Not exactly how I pictured it...but I was entranced the entire time. Hope you all enjoy it as much as me!