One of our favorite dinners in garlic chicken pasta. This is a great frozen meal you can buy at Costco that cooks up quick and tastes good. We really like all of the yummy veggies. However, a year or so ago, the boys discovered they could shove the corn up their nose. (They love corn and don't do this when I serve it as a side dish.) There were several incidents of pulling corn out of little noses followed by a stern "don't do that again". One day Justin told us he had a piece of corn up his nose, but we could not locate it. A few days later, Justin got an obnoxious snotty nose, but just in one nostril. It took me a day to figure out that the boogers were corn related. So, we flushed Justin's nose in hopes of retrieving a piece of corn. No luck. Finally, more than a week after the corn became lodged the corn appeared. On a Saturday morning we loaded into Tommy's truck and Justin declared "look a piece of corn!" Sure enough, the corn had emerged.
So, back to this more recent story. We haven't had any issues with items up the nose since the corn ordeal over a year ago. On Wednesday evening Justin found a screw. A pretty small screw. He loves to hold and play with things and played with the little screw while he watched a show. Once the show ended Justin declared "There's a screw stuck in my nose!" What!?!?!? Sure enough, he had lodged the small screw in his nose.
Justin's nose was bleeding a little bit and I was completely grossed out. Tommy was very brave and began of task of screw retrieval. It took some pepper, a flashlight, two pair of tweezers and a vacuum cleaner for the task. (Weird, I know.) After 30 minutes of digging, the screw was extracted. Hopefully we have learned our lesson about foreign objects in our nose!