We visited the Seattle Aquarium with Vernon & Tiana. The boys loved it so much more than just a few months ago. They wanted to touch everything...especially any water they could splash in. They get their love of water from their dad, just look at Tommy playing too. Justin called the fish "me" and Mason called the fish "wish". It was too cute. Dean was a great sport, but it just isn't as fun when you can't run around. He did like to fountain outside the aquarium a lot!
what cute boys. my boys love when go to the aquarium.
I'm new. I found your blog while looking for good blogs to read. hopefully you can stop by mine sometime.
I love going to the Aquarium! It looks like you guys had lots of fun. Wish we could've been there with you (okay, maybe you don't wish that :) )
i am so glad you posted! Looks like you guys have been busy! Busy having fun! I can't believe how big the boys are, they are too cute!
no fair! I want to go to the aquarium! I miss it ;) I miss you guys! You can't have any more fun without us o.k.?
Tommy- it's Amy Dillon Napier. I found your blog through Cami Dewitts. We are in Idaho. Our blog is mccallnapiers.blogspot.com Check us out. It is good to see your family! I am amazed at your boys!Glad to see you are happy and well.
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