Mason & Justin love bedtime. One of the things they usually don't love is putting on their jammies. (They REALLY like to run around in just a diaper, pouding their chests.) However, they really do like being super heros. We found these great Batman PJs and they are a hit.
Ok, so the first day they got the PJs, they just tried to run around and pull each other down by the cape, but now they love them. They also love to put their popped spikey ball on their heads. We think they look like fraggles.
Your boys are the cutest things ever. I was telling Steve about the post, and he started laughing (even though he said he's already seen the boys wearing the P.J.'s and the broken ball "hat". I Love it!!
Okay, I had to laugh right out loud when I saw these pictures. I just can't wait to see you guys!
believe it or not, i think i had those same pajamas! I loved 'em!
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