Having two little boys is a lot of fun...but there are definitely moments when it is not so fun. We had just one such moment on Sunday. We put the boys down for a nap before church. They weren't quite tired enough, because they sat up talking to each other for over an hour. I was working on my lesson for church and I heard Mason saying "owee". So I decided to investigate.
Mason and Justin had both gotten their diapers unfastened...through their onesies. (We have to nap with onesies or else we have two naked boys who pee on everything!) That was pretty bad.
However, it gets worse. Both boys had pooped. It was gross dark poop which I would have sworn was mud, except I knew they had no access to mud.
However, it gets worse. Mason, aka "Baby Houdini" had magically pulled his diaper out the side of his onesie...with the onesie still on. This allowed him to throw, smear and smash his poo all over his crib.
This is the second time I have had the opportunity to clean smeared poo out of a crib. This, will be my last. My friend Tina recommended we try duct tape. Here are the pics. (There are some funny ones with their cowboy boots we couldn't resist posting. We are rednecks.)
And I believe in Tommy! :) You're so cute!
Ok so I am DYING at the duct tape diaper bit. Ok so redneck as it is...genius! I seriously am laughing out loud!
You are so crafty I love it! Always thinking...I am going to come to you for tips when I have my babies!
We absolutely love this!!! These are the best pics yet!!!
Been there, done the cleaning (and made dale do the cleaning a couple of times), got grossed out! Just wait until you are potty training those two. You can't tape underware up very well! loved the pics!
That is so totally gross, but kinda funny! I am sure I am in for days like that...gotta love kids!!
This is the funniest thing I have seen a in a long time. I love the tape idea. I would have loved to see the look on your face when you went in their room!!!
I also love the cowboy boots. Now you need to let them wear them with shorts all over town!!! I was sooo fun seeing you guys. Come back to AZ soon!
We love you!
Dear, Batty Klan,
boy do I miss hanging out with yous and yours boyz Eu sint muito sauldade!! I Miss you guys
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