We have cute boys. Ok, I said it, I think my kids are cute. We used to snicker at people who would tell us "My kid is so smart...he can do this (you fill in the blank)." or "My kid is so great....he did this ______."

We determined that we would not blindly think are kids were so great or so cute or so awesome. However, there is just something I can't resist about these two little boys. Guess my resolve to not become "one of those parents" is gone.
I do want to add my disclaimer....these boys are A LOT of work. I have now been a stay-at-home mom for just two months. Yikes, this is really hard. I love this job...but geeze...every mom should have a nanny, chef, personal trainer and housekeeper!
Your boys are pretty darn cute!! Thanks for the pictures, they are growing up so fast!!
They are super cute and it's ok that you think that too!!!!! :) Any parent understands that. I can't imagine having two 2 year-olds, so that is admirable! You are a strong woman. Good thing they are so cute, huh?! It makes all the hard work worth it!
Hey you two! GREAT finding your blog! I confess I'm so blog illiterate I didn't realize I had all kinds of comments and links to other blogs! Cudos for taking the mother leap--you are RIGHT full time motherhood is hard. Keep at it--you will never regret it. Check out our mission adventures at reedsincebu.blogspot.com This can be YOU TWO in not many years!
Love and blessings,
Kevin & Ann Reed
Being a stay at home mom is the hardest thing I have EVER done...but, in the end, it is worth it. Even at 3 AM when your kid is inconsolable...it is worth it! I love your boys too..how fun to always have someone to play with.
Your boys are so cute! I think that they look like Flint and Sam in some of thier pictures!!! Scared of that! I agree...we all need a chef, personal trainer, nanny, house keeper..etc...then maybe I could get something done! Can't wait to you guys soon!
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