Sunday, July 5, 2009

More Summer Fun

We had a great 4th weekend! Here is a glimpse into our good times:

First, our Jayman is not a morning person. Here is a shot of him the other day...doing his best to wake up.

Yesterday, we had a great time BBQing, playing and watching fireworks. Here are the boys in the fun outfits. I also added a clip of the boys cracking each other up. There is rarely a dull moment in our lives.

We went to the lake with some friends today. (Thanks for the fun time Andy & Wendy.) We enjoyed the sun, the water and friends. Tommy got a chance to try out his knee board again. I was impressed with his mad skills.


JoykLucyb said...

Cute! I can't wait to see you and the boys. We got together with Jon and Emma and all of Tommy's sibs for the annual FHE at Cluff Ponds tonight. Joy and Ali were 2 peas in a pod. Melissa and I are excited that we are moving to Pima so the girls can play together more. Travel safe and we'll see you soon!

Jarrod & Lisa said...

That video is sooo..cute. Must be nice to have a best friend for a brother. That's one advantage to having twins, huh!

Cami D. said...

Oh my gosh that video made me laugh - I watched it 3 times and giggled with them! So fun, they are cute buddies. Hope you guys had a great 4th - good job kneeboard skills!

Batty Family said...

haha love it! Those boys are hilarious! I'm glad you guys had a good 4th and we cant wait to see you all.