Thursday, May 22, 2008 Jan

Well, I have never responded to a tag before, and I never intended to. However, since Jan & Flint are letting me bum with them for a week I decided I will do my part.

Here I am blogging the 7 reasons I love Mason & Justin.

1. Who can resist the crazy little faces that little boys make.

2. They started out small...and they are fighters.

3. They love each other...even from the beginning!

4. They are so sweet...when they are asleep.

5. They will eat anything.

6. It is so fun to make them match...I am sure some day they will hate me for this!

7. They are popular wherever they go. Sometimes we get cuts in line. They get us out of Sacrament meeting everyweek. People feel very sorry for us. And, they bring home pictures from the nursery every week that they don't even color. (Thanks Tommy!)

Oh yeah, I tag JoLynn, Joie, Marlo,Tiana & Jacy

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I can't believe how much mess two little boys can make in just a few seconds. Tommy was laying the sod in our back yard. Once he was done, he sprayed it all down with the hose. Mason & Justin took about two seconds to discover the small puddle of water that had pooled up under the connection. These pictures are a result of their little discovery.
I love my little guys!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Super Heros

Mason & Justin love bedtime. One of the things they usually don't love is putting on their jammies. (They REALLY like to run around in just a diaper, pouding their chests.) However, they really do like being super heros. We found these great Batman PJs and they are a hit.

Ok, so the first day they got the PJs, they just tried to run around and pull each other down by the cape, but now they love them. They also love to put their popped spikey ball on their heads. We think they look like fraggles.