I can't believe how much mess two little boys can make in just a few seconds. Tommy was laying the sod in our back yard. Once he was done, he sprayed it all down with the hose. Mason & Justin took about two seconds to discover the small puddle of water that had pooled up under the connection. These pictures are a result of their little discovery.
I love my little guys!!!
HOLY COW!!! I don't know if you're hiding your anger/rage at the mess they made of themselves, or if you really do think it's a really cute/funny thing your boys did. Whatever the case, the pictures are hilarious!!! Thanks for sharing. It's almost like I was there :)
What cute pictures! They are growing up so fast, and I would LOVE to come and hang out with the boys and practice my "mothering" skills, okay really just take notes as you mother them...you rock!
Too cute!!!!
They are so funny! Isn't it amazing what a huge mess 1 1/2 year olds can make in a matter of seconds!!!? It never stops amazing me!
I'm sorry we missed you guys on Saturday, but I hope you had fun at your BBQ. I saw the sod you guys laid down. So exciting!! Hopefully we can see you soon
COUSIN!!!!!!! Hi! I totally didn't know you had a blog, just randomly found you while I was blog-hopping at work. But I am SO GLAD I did! You guys look great, and those are cute kids. Looks like you're doing well, which makes me really happy. We should keep in touch... remember those 6 months when we shared the tiniest bedroom ever?
Totally please call me while you're here! I'd love to see you. Um, do you still have my number? You should, it's the same number I've had for 10 years.
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